
Kristin Brinckerhoff is an experienced Academic & Executive Function Tutor. Kristin has a background in mathematics and graduated from the University of Northern Colorado in 2015 with a B.S. in Applied Mathematics - Statistics.

Kristin has over eight years of tutoring experience with students from middle school to undergrad.

Kristin Brinckerhoff

"My passion for learning and science, combined with my sense of compassion, allows me to create a nurturing and supportive environment to meet students’ needs, wherever they may be. I am dedicated to the success and self-confidence of my students. I enjoy showing students the “how” and “why” of what tasks they may be assigned, ensuring understanding of the material, and fostering a desire to learn within the students I work with. I bring organization, time management, and other executive functioning skills from my personal experience and previous tutoring experience. I have a strong mathematics and science background and I am also a skilled writer. I especially enjoy sharing my passion for mathematics with others, pointing out the beauty it can describe, even in our everyday lives.

In my free time, I enjoy caring for my three rescued chickens and two cats, climbing, supporting my local farmed animal sanctuary, practicing yoga, hiking, kayaking, and striving to make the world a better place for everyone."

1. Meeting their needs in finding where they are at and what they know and then building on the confidence of what they do know to get to where they need to be.
 2. I am understanding, compassionate, and want my students to be successful not only in school, but in life. 
 3. I enjoy showing students the how and why of what tasks they may be completing by relating the topic to something the student finds interesting. 
 4. I create a nurturing and supportive environment for students to not only succeed in the tasks we are working on, but also in providing skills necessary for other tasks in the subject, other classes, and life in general. 
 5. I tutor organization, time management, and other Executive Functioning skills so my students can gain independence and be successful in whatever they want to achieve throughout their life. 
 6. I especially enjoy sharing my passion for mathematics with others, pointing out the beauty it can describe, and helping people to realize it is not a subject not to be feared. 
 7. I strive to help young people in our community become more successful, feel confident in their abilities, and be able to take on anything life throws at them.

Compassion Counts LLC

Longmont, Colorado 80504
